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Cheekies MoodMist Fragrant Oil 50mL Allen's

$15.00 $29.99 50% off
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You are invited to the sweetest, fruitiest party in town - a summer celebration hosted by dusk x Allen's!

Indulge your senses with our iconic lolly collection full to the brim with your all-time favourites. Frogs Alive®, Pineapples, Peaches & Cream, and Cheekies® will satiate your sweet tooth and overcome the most formidable sugar cravings. Feel the dizzy heights of sugary delights and savour every breath with Australia’s number one lolly favourites, transporting you to your cherished childhood memories whilst keeping the party rolling.

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Top Notes Chocolate, Cocoa
Middle Notes Cream
Bottom Notes Vanilla Bean
Allen’s® Cheekies®, smooth chocolatey goodness! Not only providing a comforting and indulgent sweetness reminiscent of delectable chocolate, but turning your snack time into a delicious combination of sweet daydreams and happy taste buds.
Product details
SKU 50220946
Barcode 9341279182808
Collection Allen's Collection
Scent Gourmand
Colour Brown
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