Sandra Black Glass Plate
66.7% off
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How to get it
Sandra shines like no other! Her unique black blown glass is swirled with abstract gold flecks. With a shallow lip, Sandra can just as easily hold your favourite jewels & perfumes or steal the show as is.
From decorative pieces to functional, dusk's range of plates and trays will amplify your home decor as well as protect sensitive surfaces and furnishings. Showcase dusk pillar, taper, or jar candles or create a centrepiece to display your diffusers; we have shapes, sizes and material finishes for all interior styles.
Sandra's Features:
- Black, blown glass
- Gold metallic swirls
- 20cm diameter
- Round shape
- 3.5cm lip to store keepsakes
- Use to display dusk candles or diffusers
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Product details
SKU | 50208814 |
Barcode | 9341279170645 |
Collection | Autumn Winter Collection |
Colour | Black |
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