Hand Care Duo: Tomato & Green Leaves Hand Wash and Lotion Set 480ml$20.00 $39.99 50% off
Secondi Heirloom Tomato & Green Leaves Candle 315g$30.00 $64.99 53.8% off
Frogs Alive Bath Fizzers 3 Pack 100g Allen's$15.00 $34.99 57.1% off
Peony & Velvet Oud Amazonite Balance 30pk Incense Healing Stones$15.00 $24.99 40% off
Cheekies MoodMist Fragrant Oil 50mL Allen's$15.00 $29.99 50% off
Pineapples MoodMist Fragrant Oil 50mL Allen's$15.00 $29.99 50% off
Secondi Heirloom Tomato & Green Leaves Room Spray 100ml$12.00 $29.99 60% off
Antipasto Cucumber and Mint Reed Diffuser 200ml$25.00 $54.99 54.5% off
Discover the latest in luxury with our Seasonal Collection, featuring the newest dusk fragrances for a limited time.
Experience the forefront of fragrance and design with dusk's Seasonal Collection, where the latest innovations in home scents and accessories make their debut. Each season, we unveil a new range of meticulously crafted products, from uniquely scented candles to contemporary home decor. This exclusive category offers you the first look at our most recent creations, available only for a limited period. Elevate your home with the freshest trends and indulge in the season's finest, meticulously curated to add sophistication and style to your living spaces.