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Creamy Caramel MoodMist® Fragrant Oil 50mL

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How to get it

Sink your teeth into some mouth-watering creamy caramel. Brown sugar and buttery toffee come together in a decadently velvety heart. The temptation is completed with indulgent vanilla and rich tonka bean in our MoodMist® Fragrant Oil.

Enigmatic and unique, dusk's Soy Stories weave a tale of expertly crafted, high quality fragrant oils with playful packaging. Each fragrance story features its own symbol, emblematic of the fragrance profile, while youthful colour combinations and an array of foil accents combine in a perfect tale. Dip into our Soy Collection, where every story is waiting to be read.

Pair this MoodMist® Fragrant Oil with a MoodMist® Diffuser and be captivated by the gentle mist. The MoodMist® Diffuser gently diffuses scent into the air using ultrasonic technology to create a soft, delicate fragrance, safely and passively perfuming your surrounds. Gently pour 10 drops into the MoodMist® Diffuser for the best fragrance experience.

Use our MoodMist® Fragrant Oils with our MoodMist® Diffuser.


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Top Notes Vanilla, Toffee
Middle Notes Caramel, Coconut
Bottom Notes Tonka Bean, Almond
Product details
SKU 50209828
Barcode 9341279171857
Collection Soy Collection
Scent Gourmand
Colour Brown
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