Gun Metal Grey Rechargeable Electric Lighter
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Gun Metal Grey Rechargeable Electric Lighter
Introducing dusk's latest addition to our candle care range - the exquisite Gun Metal Grey Rechargeable Electric Lighter. Rechargeable and simple to use, the Grey Rechargeable Electric Lighter is both stylish and functional.
- To recharge, connect micro USB cable to lighter then turn on power source.
- Allow plasma lighter to fully charge then disconnect cable.
- Unlock safety switch
- Hold the power/ignition button down
- Ignite candlewick
- Keep safety switch locked when storing the lighter
- Each battery indicator LED light shows 20% power
- Charging takes 1-2 hours
- Each ignition lasts 8-10 seconds
- A charge lasts over 100 uses
- Avoid getting wax on the electrodes as this can impede the lighter. Gently brush between the electrodes to clean off any residue when the lighter is off and locked
- Avoid keeping lighter in flame for more than 2 seconds
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Product details
SKU | 50207510 |
Barcode | 9341279169540 |
Collection | Core |
Colour | Grey |
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