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Blue Clay with Jojoba & Grapefruit Hand & Body Wash

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How to get it

The Rejuvenate Collection is thoughtfully designed to promote relaxation, detoxification, and restoration. Harnessing the calming essence of soothing ingredients and fragrances.

Create moments of unwinding and bring a sense of balance to your space and self-care routine. Awaken your senses to grapefruit, where invigorating lemon zest and alluring jasmine intertwine in abright symphony of luxury.

Made in Sydney, this wash features the detoxifying properties of blue clay, which works to remove impurities, absorb excess oil, and promote a radiant complexion. Formulated to cleanse, nourish, and replenish, this vegan-friendly hand and body wash is free from sulphates and parabens. Enriched with shea butter, it leaves your skin feeling soft, hydrated, and refreshed.

Directions: Lather onto your hands or body for gentle cleansing. After rinsing, your skin will feel luxuriously cleansed and fragrant.

Size: 300ml

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Product details
SKU 50223671
Barcode 9341279185274
Colour Blue
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More Information
SKU 50223671
Barcode 9341279185274
Collection2 Rejuvenate
Product Type Body Wash
Volume 300mL
Colour Blue
Vegan Friendly Yes